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National Conference Report

Florentine Bootha King and Steve Ruffle both attended this conference  on 5th October 2023 held at the Friends Meeting House in the centre of Birmingham. Trains were on time but packed solid.  The atmosphere of the day was positive and supportive and there was a great mix of presentations, workshops and performances with a delicious lunch!


The Chief Officer Sian Summer Rees said “we can shift attitudes by having conversations”. She said it was not about arguments but about talking and listening. Over 50 local authorities have signed up to being a City of Sanctuary and many more schools have signed up since Monday’s GB News interview with Nigel Farage.

David Brown from Birmingham City of Sanctuary, the Cabinet Member and a Key Officer from Birmingham Council welcomed us all.

Dr Zabir Zazai, the CEO of Scottish Refugee Council gave the key speech. He initially arrived in this country in the back of a lorry.  He spoke about treating people with dignity and how important this was. 175,000 people are stuck in the asylum system, 60,000 people in institutional accommodation at a cost of 4 billion pounds a year with only £1.30 a day. “How can you learn English on a barge” he said.  Zabir believes we should invest in giving people confidence.  He spoke about the power of sanctuary and kindness. Positive stories of sanctuary are needed.  He concluded “refugee rights are our rights”.


The SBC Theatre Group (Stand Up and Be Counted), a Sheffield based drama group did a captivating performance highlighting key issues ( They are the UK’s first Theatre of Sanctuary.

BRAP Workshop

This was a workshop about power and racism led by BRAP (  and involved discussion and dialogue and being open with each other. It was suggested we don’t use the term “asylum seekers” but should speak about “people seeking sanctuary”.

Campaigning Workshop

No recourse to public funds campaign spoke about their successful campaign for free school milk for all ( They said be specific in your demands and not to be put off course in what you aim to do can make a big difference (ie don’t just be reactive).


The AGM was held in the afternoon, a financial report was given and some new trustees elected. Some of the present grants funding City of Sanctuary nationally will end next year and present funders will not provide continuation funding.


A local school choir sang to us.

Sheffield and Barnsley Attendees