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2024 Art and Poetry Competition Winners Announced

Winners of the Barnsley Borough City of Sanctuary Art  and Poetry Competition 2024 were presented with certificates and book tokens by the Mayor of Barnsley Cllr John Clark JP  at Barnsley Town Hall on Friday 21st June 2024. The theme for this year was Welcome and the winners were Eben, Sulaiman, Shane and Breeanna from Worsbrough Common Primary School, Lily Mea and Fraya from Parkside Primary School and Isabelle from Littleworth Primary School.

Left to right: Freya, Lilymae, Isabelle, Eben, Sulaiman, Shane, Breeana

The Mayor gave a wonderful opening to the event explaining how Barnsley has become a town which gives a warm welcome to those who have come in from other parts of the world. Ours is a town of possibilities for all.

The children were pleased to have the ceremony in the council chamber with those who had poems able to use the microphones to read out their work.

George Arthur, Chair of BBCoS said, “I want to thank the children and the schools for the excellent work they have produced. The art work and poetry  was a credit to Barnsley as a welcoming town to everyone and it demonstrates the care and consideration of our young people in Barnsley. This competition is now established as an annual event and I hope that even more schools will be able to join in with next year’s event. I must also thank Barnsley Stand Up to Racism group for buying the prizes for the winners.”

2023: Let Us Remember

24th November 2021 saw the worst drowning disaster in the Channel, of at least 27 refugees trying to find a safe place.A celebration event was held at the Town Hall during refugee week on Friday  23rd June 2023

More details here