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Multi-Agency DropIn -Free Eye Tests

Ophthalmic Clarity – 30th April 2025

The Migration Partnership priorities equity of access to healthcare for communities at the margins of healthcare provision including migrants.  

We recognise and witness the poor dental and eye health outcomes amongst migrant communities partly due to the traumatic nature of forced migration and poor access to dental and eye health care services. We are aware that this is not the unique experience of the clients we support.

As such, we are delighted to develop this new partnership with OPHTHALMIC CLARITY that would provide vital free eye heath interventions to those in need who attend our drop-in service at Hope House.   

Wednesday 30 April 2025, 12.30pm
Hope House Cafe, Blucher Street, S71 1AP

More details

Multi-Agency Drop In  at Hope House (Blucher Steet) on Wednesday afternoons (12.30pm-2.30pm) for Barnsley’s Migrant Communities organised by Migration Partnership Barnsley. All welcome.

Drop in on Wednesday 10th July 2024

The Migration Partnership (a collaboration of Migrant Action, Feels Like Home, The Polish Library and ELSH) offers a migrant-led infrastructure for the sustainable engagement and meaningful participation of migrant communities in mainstream activity.    The new Multi-agency Hub drop-in (weekly) at Hope House Church will allow a practical and safe space for collaborative service delivery and better access of holistic service provision in Barnsley. It will also act as a local Connection hub for strengthening relationships across services, migrant communities and local authority through conversations and better understanding of the realities of migrant and local communities.  Overall, the multi-agency hub acts as a catalyst for change by improving access to services, ensure effective integration and stronger communities and transforming lives.  More details here.