The launch of the campaign was held on Friday 13th December 2024. Sheffield One World Choir (below) sang some powerful songs. It was organised by Change Lab and Sheffield City of Sanctuary

Sign the Petition here
People seeking asylum in the UK are forced to survive on only £7.02 a day or £1.27 a day if in ‘ex-hotel’ housing and are banned from working. Hostile environment policies, enforced and added onto in the UK since 2010, make life as purposefully unenjoyable as physically possible to encourage undocumented migrants to leave. This process is severely inhumane and is only slightly improved upon for refugees and asylum seekers in South Yorkshire, many who live in isolated hotels.
With this petition and public pressure on our local government, we can relieve some of the significant financial burden refugees and asylum seekers face. As free or reduced bus passes for refugees and asylum seekers have recently been funded in Wales (2022) and Scotland (2023), , we are supporting Sheffield City of Sanctuary and University of Sheffield students who are fighting for the implementation of this policy.

Follow @costeamtravel on Instagram for more information about this campaign.