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Response to Violence in Wath

Hateful words inspire hateful actions. When some politicians and some of the press normalise racism and Islamophobia, outbreaks of violence become terrifyingly inevitable.

The violent thugs at the Holiday Inn Express at Manvers on Sunday 4th August 2024 weren’t there to protest last weekend. They came and bullied vulnerable asylum seekers placed there by the Government, throwing bottles, smashing windows and intimidating those people trapped inside. This is not a message we wish to give to people fleeing war and persecution who arrive here in South Yorkshire.

Everyone deserves to live in safety, no matter who they are or where they are from. We stand in steadfast solidarity with the people targeted in these attacks, many of whom came to the UK seeking sanctuary already fled violence and persecution.

These hard right bullies do not represent us, our culture or values. We are all volunteers in Barnsley Borough City of Sanctuary and we believe our town is one of welcome for those people seeking sanctuary. We aim to create a culture of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees, challenging hostility and discrimination in all its forms and welcome support from everyone in our endeavour.

This must be a turning point. Together, we need to stamp  out systematic racism, tackling  the real issues facing us all and inspire belief in a better world.

Until then it’s up to all of us to call out racism and bigotry in all its forms, to look out for our neighbours and to double our efforts in building a UK that is true place of welcome for all.